Friday, December 27, 2013


Another holiday season has come and gone amidst much celebration, and a lot less stress for those of us who made our cards throughout the year! We hope you've all had a marvelous time and that you'll join us for another year of creativity and fun when we start up again, just as soon as the clock strikes midnight on january first! We think 2014 is going to be FABULOUS... especially if you'll join us. In the meantime, we're excited to show off a new header and a new badge that we hope you'll display proudly! See you next week, ♥JINGLE BELLES♥!

(image credits for 2014 header and badge: paper: antique prints, jen allyson, design house digital; elements: christmas joy kit, mary pop designs, o'scraps; brushes: snowsprays #3, anna aspnes, o'scraps; glitter layer style: over the rainbow, studio flergs, scrapbook graphics; font: vogue,

Friday, December 6, 2013

♥2013 Wrap-up and Linkfest!♥

Can you believe,  ♥JINGLE BELLES♥, that another year is nearly over, and the holidays are fast approaching! Before we sign and mail all of the fab cards we've made, we thought it would be fun to see the entire year's production... in one big pile!

Once again we thank every single one of you for your participation, your awesome comments, and of course for the amazing inspiration of your gorgeous work. We wish you the happiest-- and most stress-free-- of holiday seasons! We'll be back on New Year's Day to kick off a brand new year of card-making fun, and we hope to see you then. Meanwhile, if you're still making cards, we'd love for you to show them off here; but if you're finished, why not take a photo of your own card pile so we can all congratulate you?!

(Linkup closed)

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Thanks to everyone for sharing 2013 with us at jingle belles ... we've truly had a blast, and you're the reason why.

Here are a few of our favorite thank you cards.

totally rocked multiple thank you card design, but this clever use of text just blew us away ... so many possibilities, and so easy to make in bulk.

made this elegant holiday design featuring flourishes, embossing and ivory silk ribbon.

added a sweet little Gingerbread Topper to a bag of truffles for a fantastic little thank you gift.

And the winner of our Thank You Prize is .... (drum roll)

who made this lovely thank you card

Julene - e-mail us your mailing address, and we'll get your goodies on their way.