Friday, February 21, 2014

Snoopy vs. the ♥♥RED♥♥ Baron

I know the title is a bit of a stretch, but I couldn't resist the ♥♥RED♥♥ reference in one of my favorite childhood holiday songs.  We're still celebrating RED this week ... making cards that predominantly feature the color RED.

Here is our second round of RED designs:

Lauren's Other Card

Lauren says, "I used last week's (expired but still awesome) Unscripted Sketch #243 for my layout, which I thought would work pretty well with some of the many older, but still-beloved tags I still have from various retired Basic Grey holiday lines; and I think it did, actually! I also couldn't quite resist adding in a red, heart-shaped, vintage doily leftover from Valentine's Day, which I think sort of 'grounds' the cluster of tags."

Stephanie says, "I'm sure I bought this gorgeous piece of flocked SEI Winter Song paper because of the gorgeous red color & soft flocked texture (I love paper with texture) ... but after purchasing, it has been parked in my stash for years.  Thankfully this prompt made me revisit my stash with a *red-focused* eye and I realized the flocked bird would be the perfect focal point for a 5" x 6.5" card design.  It sort of feels like cheating when paper is this pretty, since all I had to do was detail trim 3 flocked snowflakes from the scraps and add a blue pearls and SRM Sticker to finish ... 
but often easy is a very good thing."

We hope you'll find time to ♥GO RED♥ with us ... upload your cards by Wednesday,February 26th at 6pm EST ... keyword is JB:14:04 for our Flickr (and other) galleries.

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