Friday, November 3, 2017

Holiday Creature Feature

We're back for the second week of our annual holiday creature feature ... the gallery is filled with all sorts of awesome animals, creatures & critters.

Here's what we made this week:

Lauren says, "I am somewhat famous for hating to mass-produce, but there is no denying the efficiency of making more than one variation of the same design. And as long as I can change up the details so that each card is a bit different, I don't mind too much, lol. In this case, I used up loads of little scraps, offcuts and leftovers, thanks to the rather brilliant current Sketch Saturday layout!"

Stephanie says, "I had to go with a creature card this week ... rather than my usual Yeti, I am featuring a Star Wars Storm Trooper gift tag (who has sort-of-a-yeti-feel) coincidentally also using this week's Sketch Saturday layout (we didn't plan ahead, but it's sort of like showing-up at a party in the same Christmas sweater).  There's a second creature card at my blog if you want to click through."

1 comment:

  1. Adorable card Stephanie, great cards Lauren, I must admit assembly line card making gets them done faster, especially if you have all the bits done.


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