Thursday, January 25, 2018

Three For Three

We could not be more impressed by the fabulous cards you guys came up with for "We Three Kings". The only "problem" we had was only choosing a trio of them to feature!

...cleverly STACKED her adorable trio of reindeer in a way that makes us think we should make LOTS more tall cards!

...made a card that's awesome in EVERY respect, and has also given us the perfect plan for how to use all the fun flair we've collected but haven't quite known how to use!

...knows a thing or two (or three!) about stamping and coloring adorable bears. Not to mention that AH-MAY-ZING stenciled background! 

Many thanks to everyone who played along, we're inspired by every single card you link up! We'll be back at Midnight with a brand new prompt we hope will help to get the word out... :)


  1. Awww, thank you so much for featuring my card along with Jane's fabulous reindeer trio tall card and Lisa's amazing polar bears and cool triangle background. Anxious to see the next challenge inspiration from you both, L&S :)

  2. Wow, what a lovely surprise! Thank you so much for including me with Jane and June, their cards are awesome!

  3. I’m a little late, but wonderful cards ladies!!


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