Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Shape of Things to Come

Sooooooo many gorgeous entires in the Shape Up gallery prove that beautiful holiday cards come in ALL shapes and sizes. Here are a few that we thought were especially clever:

...used beautifully simple silhouetted shapes within a distinctive frame for a card that's a STAR by anyone's standards!

...placed this beautifully colored bird on a clever half-moon shaped card, which makes this a LITERAL Rockin' Robin!

...made SEVEN amazing and unique shaped cards that each made us say, "WOW!" but it's hard to beat a card shaped like Santa on a motorcycle, don't you think?!

And of course we're all wondering who won that fun Ink Road stamp set as well, right? The fine folks at have decreed that *10* is the lucky number, which means that *Brenda B. of Brenda's Scraps of Life* is our Lucky Winner! Brenda, please email stephanie at smilystef @ aol (dot) com to claim your prize! (dot) com

We'll be back at midnight with a brand new prompt we hope will get glittering reviews! ♥


  1. What a fabulous selection of cards!
    And congrats to Brenda for winning that fun stamp set!
    Marianne x


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