Thursday, April 28, 2011

recycled, reused... & REMARKABLE!!!

wow! talk about rising to a challenge, JINGLE BELLESyou totally ROCKED kathe's awesome earthday prompt and turned the coolest and most wonderful stuff into fabulous holiday inspiration! here are some entries which recycled, reused, and JINGLED in particularly clever and inspiring ways:

by carol of cm designs

kathe says, "i love Carol's card because first of all, that little penguin is so darn cute, but furthermore, everything on the card all coordinates so well - i don't think anyone could ever guess any of it is re-used or re-purposed!"

kathe says, "on the other hand, we could possibly guess that cute white fabric trim on Leslie's card was re-purposed from somewhere, but how unbelievable is that - a SOCK! i'm still in awe!"

kathe says, "Beverly G didn't make just a card, that tin is AMAZING and her cellophane roses are totally inspired! what a fabulous way to re-use something that (i don't think) can be recycled!"

many thanks to *EVERYBODY* who played along! we hope you'll continue to look for cool ideas for crafting in green and responsible ways; not only is it good for the earth, it's quite a boost to creativity, as well, judging from the spectacular cards that came in this week! we hope you've had a chance to scroll down and check those out!

extra special thanks to kathe d for being our lovely guest star this week! remember, there are lots of lovely cards to see on both her flickr photostream and her stampin' up blog, and we feel confident you'd enjoy seeing them!

the next prompt (which debuts at midnight) is once again set by one of your lovely fellow BELLES which reminds us: do YOU have a brilliant theme idea, or a sketch you're longing to try out on a group of creative christmas cardmakers?? well, we'd sure love to hear about it! why not email us at jinglebellesrock @ hotmail [dot] com? if we use your suggestion, YOU could be our lovely guest star one week! ♥♥♥


  1. Three really great choices! Thank you for the challenge, Kathe :)

  2. Lots of lovely recycling. I made a card for the challenge, but, unfortunately, too late to enter - it's here if you still want to have a peak x

  3. Aw, I am honored and humbled that you like my sock card. This was fun, Kathe - thanks!

  4. Can't believe you've choosen mine! I really enjoyed going back to my roots for this challenge, thank you. Carol x

  5. What a nice surprise--I'm very honored that you featured my box-Yay-I bet you can hear the clapping going on.


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