Thursday, March 28, 2013

Neutral and Nifty!

If anyone ever tries to tell you that neutral colors are dull or limiting, ♥JINGLE BELLES♥, please point them to this fortnight's gallery, where some of the most gorgeous cards of the year so far have been linked up, each one more than making up for a restricted palette with creativity and cleverness!  Take a very big bow, because every single one of you really did *WOW* us this time! Here are a few cards we especially love:

Not only stamped this very elegant black and gold silhouette card, she also impressed with this beautiful kraft snowyscape!

Takes *ALL* the fear out of "going grey" with this amazingly lovely monotone masterpiece!

Shows how to rock the details along with the neutrals with her stunningly embellished Santa!

Speaking of loooooooove, we all enjoy a bit of blog candy, am I right? So let's see who'll be getting a fun little packet in the mail to celebrate our blogging milestones! According to the fine folks at, the lucky number is *14* which means our winner is...


congrats to you, Jessi, and please email us at jinglebellesrock @ hotmail [dot] com to claim your prize!

Speaking of luck, we could not have been more fortunate than to have the utterly awesome Noelle McAdams with us this time, so please join us in thanking her for a fabulous and totally inspiring "neutral noel" idea! Hurry back at midnight, when we'll debut a new lovely guest star and a new prompt which we're pretty sure will put a sparkle in your eye! ♥


  1. Beautiful Neutral Noelle inspired cards :)

  2. These three highlighted cards are really beautiful. I'm especially taken by Patti's stunning grey card. This was an awesome prompt. Full marks to Noelle for the wonderful inspiration. Another great week girls :-)

  3. Oops, forgot! Congrats to Jessi. Enjoy your bounty!! :-)

  4. Thanks for the pick! I loved this challenge and really enjoyed Noelle's cards as well as the other designers! Congrats to all!

  5. How exciting to be a pick. Gray is one of my favorite colors so it was fun using it in this card. All the cards are great.

  6. Yea! What fabulous winning cards we had! Thank you all so much for playing my prompt :) I didn't mean to disappear! My kids are home on Spring Break and I hosted Easter dinner at my house yesterday for 25 people! Needless to say I'm a bit behind the 8 ball, returning comments presently! :)

  7. Never got around to commenting on how gorgeous these cards are. Thanks to Noelle for challenging us to use only neutrals. I really enjoyed playing along.


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