Thursday, June 6, 2013

Take a Bow!

Once again you amazing ♥JINGLE BELLES♥ have proven you know how to rock the ribbon in a big, big way! Here are a few cards we especially loved this week:

...paired skinny ribbon with two shades of twine to dangle the perfect accent for her adorable snowman!

...used the "traditional" red and green in her beautifully unique card that features ribbon (and fibers!) quite brilliantly!

...combined several different ribbons with lace and twine and sheet music in her collagey masterpiece! 

Many thanks to everyone who played along. If you have not had a chance to check out the gallery, we highly recommend giving yourself that treat! We'll be back at midnight with a new prompt that's anything but sketchy! ;)


  1. Thank you so much for choosing to spotlight my card today. What an honour!
    Considering that I was a bit disappointed that I just could not get the red colour to photograph properly,,I was not expecting sny recognition whatsoever!!!
    Thanks again!

  2. Incredible cards ladies! Congratulations!

  3. Ooooo, ladies, I'm so excited that you have chosen my card as one to spotlight! That always makes my day! Thank you! :)

  4. congrats ladies!!! awesome cards :)


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