Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vintage Va-Va-Va-Voom!

By now we're almost kind of used to being blown away by your talent, ♥JINGLE BELLES♥ and you certainly did not disappoint us this fortnight! Here are a few vintage-style masterpieces that really rocked our world:

Created a winter card paradise which includes a beautiful vintage image, tons of lovely texture, and oodles of gorgeous flowers!

Put Currier and Ives to shame with this astonishing display of stamping and coloring on that perfect kraft background!

Combines the perfect vintage Santa image with a boatload of inking and distressing talent to combine the old and the new flawlessly!

Now it's time to see which lucky cardmaker will get that super-fun ephemera pack and a $10 shopping spree in Lauren's Etsy shop, Just Enough Stuff. According to the fine folks at Random.Org the lucky number is:

which means that
is our lucky winner!

Please contact us at jinglebellesrock @ to claim your prize!

Many thanks to everyone who played along, we ♥LOVE♥ seeing your gorgeous work! Be sure to stop back at midnight when we've got a prompt guaranteed to whip your holiday cards into shape!


  1. Fabulous cards. Well done ladies! And congrats to Electra! I really wanted to play, but life got in the way...

  2. Excellent choices! Congrats to Electra for winnin' the goods! :)


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