Thursday, December 5, 2013


Thanks to everyone for sharing 2013 with us at jingle belles ... we've truly had a blast, and you're the reason why.

Here are a few of our favorite thank you cards.

totally rocked multiple thank you card design, but this clever use of text just blew us away ... so many possibilities, and so easy to make in bulk.

made this elegant holiday design featuring flourishes, embossing and ivory silk ribbon.

added a sweet little Gingerbread Topper to a bag of truffles for a fantastic little thank you gift.

And the winner of our Thank You Prize is .... (drum roll)

who made this lovely thank you card

Julene - e-mail us your mailing address, and we'll get your goodies on their way.


  1. congrats Julene!!!
    super duper cards ladies :)

    looking forward to JB's 2014 :)

  2. Thanks for an incredible year!I loved participating in the challenges and I eagerly look forward to starting all over again in the new year. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Goodness me, I will be in touch. Thank you.


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