Thursday, November 20, 2014

Outdoors and Outstanding!

There were soooooooooooooo many amazing cards this time, we are nearly overwhelmed (but in a good way!) by your talent and creativity. If you haven't checked out all the lovely entries, please give yourself the treat of scrolling down to the "Great Outdoors" gallery and reveling in the blizzard (again... in a GOOD way, lol!) of inspiration your fellow belles have brewed up. Meanwhile, here are a few cards that made us feel especially delighted:

...not only constructed a jaw-droppingly lovely and detailed holiday landscape, she is donating this and many of her other Christmas greetings to a very cool non-profit group called the "I Feel the Love Project" which sends cards to hospitalized children. Now that *REALLY* puts the "Great" in "Great Outdoors"! ♥ (You can read their FAQ here!)

...already impressed the heck out of us by creating this incredibly tiny and totally beautiful snow scene; but then we found out the whole thing is constructed in a discarded cheese container??! Holy wow! (WHY didn't WE think of that, eh??!)

...made this amazing dimensional shadowbox card that would be a feat of engineering even if it wasn't also incredibly beautiful... which... it IS!  (She claims it was easy to make; but we think she's just being modest!)

Many thanks to every single one of you who shared your gorgeous work with us! We'll be back at midnight to kick off the last prompt of the year (can you BELIEVE it?!) with some cards we hope will be a feast for your eyes! ♥


  1. Oh what beautiful creations!!! Congratulations on your feature ladies.
    Each project is beautiful, unique, and completely fabulous. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Thank you for the shout out! I really enjoyed doing this project - it was a great prompt.

  3. I am delighted to be one your features! What a thrill and an honor! :o) I'm happy you enjoyed my little scene and thank you so much for including I Feel the Love in your write-up! It is such a lovely group, determined to bless as many as we can.

    Congratulations to the others, as well! Your work is beautiful! :o)

    Hugs and blessings,


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