Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sweet Sounds of the Season

With so many gorgeous cards that featured music or were inspired by holiday songs, you made it really hard for us to choose, ♥JINGLE BELLES♥, but here are three that struck just the right note with us:

Proves that there's nothing more festive than singing sheep!
(Bonus points for the awesome sentiment!) :)

Combined a super-sweet Santa with music paper, notes, and the perfect pop of red!

Made two fab musical cards, but this one, with it's subtle sentiment based on a "twisted" holiday song, made us chuckle for a very long time! :)

Many thanks to all who played along! We'll be back at midnight with a brand new prompt and an especially lovely guest star! 


  1. Hi Lauren and Stef, Thank you for the Shout out. I played along for several years not game enough to enter. I am so very pleased! Have a great weekend, Happy crafting Megan

  2. Great cards everyone (love the sheep and cat cards, too funny!)

  3. Awww thanks ladies! That sweet singing Santa does indeed make me smile!
    Shanna :)


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