Friday, July 24, 2015

Spirits of Christmas Past

We're still creating cards with a vintage or retro vibe ... so break out your vintage style or actual vintage images (or both) for your designs ... and remember, there is an awesome prize up for grabs from Lauren's store Just Enough Stuff.

Here's what we created this week:

Stephanie says, "I decided to go retro this week ... creating cards using images and colors that reminded me of my childhood from October Afternoon's Eggnog Collection.  My childhood Christmases also featured sequin covered ornaments and stockings, so I added some of those to embellish my design."

Lauren says, "I'm still at full-on vintage because, frankly, I have what my friend Leslie would call a "S.A.B.L.E." situation (which stands for, "supplies available beyond life expectancy";and is, alas, sad, but true in my case!)  The vintage postcard is from my official postcard collection, which is why I've scanned and printed a copy of it, but the sheet music and doily I've just used; the other supplies are stash that is not quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite old enough to be called "vintage" but still pretty old, lol. The layout is courtesy of Sweet Sunday Sketch #278.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm not sure how to add a link to my blog post with entry to this challenge.

    Here is the link.


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