Thursday, April 13, 2017

Sweet and Sketchy

There were nothing but gorgeous versions of Stephanie's sketch in the gallery, which makes it very hard to only feature a few cards. Which, coincidentally, is our FAVORITE problem to have, lol!

...used our all-time favorite color palette (ALL of them!!!) to create this amazing holiday rainbow!

...whipped up a mixed media snow storm that makes us wish our computer monitors had a literal touch screen!

 ...gave us a masterpiece of minimalism as well as an incredible use of negative space by diecutting the circle elements out of the sketch!

Meanwhile, I think we're all dying to know whose house Stephanie will be sending that cool retired Stampin' Up set, right? Well, according to the winner is:

Lucky Number 5
which means
is also our lucky prize winner!
(because it truly IS a *random* draw!!!)
Christine, please email llaurenb @ to claim your prize!

We'll be back at midnight with a brand new prompt that we hope will make you want to move heaven and Earth to play along!!! :)


  1. Thank you soooooo much for featuring my card, and congrats also to Sara and Steffi! Also, thank you for picking my name from the hat as the goody winner! Woo hoo! Lauren, sending you an email now! HUGS!

  2. Great choices ladies! And congrats to Chris!

  3. Well, I'm working my way back through April's posts (as I am usually so far behind!) and have been enjoying the recycled DT inspiration. And then I read this post for a wonderful surprise! Thank you for choosing my mixed media card to mention! And congratulations to Chris on her feature AND her lucky win! Well done--so happy you're number was drawn! And Steffi, your card is amazing--so good to see your work recognized!


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