Friday, July 21, 2017

Here comes SANTA CLAUS

This fortnight we're making cards featuring none other than the main man of Christmas, in any of his many forms: Jolly St. Nick, Pere Noel, Julenissen, Father Christmas ... aka SANTA CLAUS. By the way, if you're looking for additional holiday inspiration this month, there's a special "Christmas in July" feature on the Eyelet Outlet Blog each Saturday afternoon, featuring our amazing fellow EO designers, so be sure to check it out!

Meanwhile, here are our Santa-centric designs:

Lauren says, "I've used the current Atlantic Hearts Sketch. I  was tempted to make all those fab little flags out of washi tape, but instead I decided to make the pennants out of paper scraps and topped them off with a strip of gorgeous Eyelet Outlet Black and White Wide Flowers tape. Since, as the name implies, this tape isn't actually colorful, I added my own tinting with a few alcohol ink markers. Strictly speaking, it's not even a holiday tape, but I liked how it went with the vintage flora on the pretty reproduction vintage postcard I used as a focal image. I topped the design off with a beautiful EO paper flower stack and a large pearl brad."

Stephanie says, "Doodlebug's Here Comes Santa Claus collection is filled with lots of fun little Santas like the one I featured on this week's card.  A few coordinating stickers and an Eyelet Outlet Enamel Dot on the top of his hat, and this one is ready to go ... and mailable (tip 5"x 5" square cards can be mailed in 5" x 7" envelopes with no additional postage charge) ... I had so much fun there's another card on my blog."

Link up here by 6pm (EST) on Wednesday, August 2nd. Keyword for galleries and flickr is JB:17:15.


  1. Okay, I really had to stretch my creativity to play along with this one... but glad I did. I came up with a cute little card for SAS4Kids. Thanks for a fun challenge and a couple of great inspiration cards. :)


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