Thursday, August 3, 2017

Everybody Loves Santa!

And with the amazing gallery full of Santa-centric cards we've seen this fortnight, we love the Big Guy more than ever! Here are a few cards that made us feel especially jolly:

...combined digital elements with "real life" supplies to make this charming chalkboard greeting!

...proves that CAS cards are a breeze, if you have the perfect image and awesome coloring skills!

...not only uses dies to perfection to create an entire scene, she's cleverly *added* a Santa where there wasn't one; just by placing a bit of cardstock and a santa hat brad inside the sleigh!
(We also love that Barb decorates the INSIDES of her cards, that is such a cool bonus!)


As always, we send our thanks and admiration to everyone who played along; we *LOVE* seeing every single card! We'll be back at midnight with a brand new prompt we hope will leave you feeling peacefully creative! ♥


  1. Aww shucks (blushing) thanks for showcasing my card along with Monica's and Barbara's


  2. Thanks for showcasing my card along with two really awesome creations. I feel like a rockstar!!


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