Friday, November 1, 2019

Yeti or Not

We're still celebrating the Critters of Christmas and you're still invited to join the fun by making a holiday card with an animal (or creature!) on it! Here's what we made this week:

Stephanie says, "I can never resist a Yeti for Christmas ... and when I saw this new Yeti or Not set from Hello Bluebird, I knew it had to be mine. I love all the fun accessories like the scarf, Santa hat and coffee mug ... and likely I would be the one trying to catch the snowflakes on my tongue."

Lauren's Other Card

Lauren says, "I had a completely different plan for this week's card, but then I saw my friend Elisabeth unpacking this amazing Taylored Expressions layered cardinal die set at Paper Anthology and all bets were off. Also... it allowed me to build a collage of torn vintage paper and postage stamps for the base of my card, which I was really really in the mood to do! (Sometimes my "process" is very scientific, lol!) Layered label shapes and some Eyelet Outlet poinsettia, pinecone and holly brads complete the finishing touches."

And remember, one lucky participant will get the fabulous Penny Black Christmas Sprig Stamps.

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