Thursday, June 17, 2021

Luxurious Layers

So many beautiful bunded-up wonders in the Jingle Belles gallery ... here are a few that rocked the layered theme.

used color to unify all of her wonderful patterned papers ... 
and how cute are those Christmas Carolers.

overlapped these adorable snow globes for her awesome
layered design ... such lovely colors.

turned her layers into this adorable holiday scene
with trees, candy canes and a gingerbread man parade.

Thanks to everyone for layering-up with the Jingle Belles.  We'll be back at midnight with a colorful prompt to inspired your designs.


  1. Thanks so much for showcasing my card - what a lovely surprise!
    Helen x

  2. Thank you for showcasing my card.

  3. Thank you for choosing my gingerbread card to spotlight xx Lynda/Loopyloo


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