Friday, June 28, 2024

Holiday Shape-Up Continues

We're still Shaping Up for the Holidays, and as you'll recall, that means we're making shaped cards, for which anything other than a square or rectangle will do. Though some holiday ideas might be a star, stocking, candy cane, circle, ice-skate... ok, you get the idea, right? If not, jump down to the original Shaping Up post and take a scroll through the Readers' Gallery. Meanshile, here's how we SHAPED-up this week:

Lauren says, "A few years ago I had downloaded a photo of a beautiful mitten-shaped card, printed it out on cardstock at 4x6" size, used it as a template and raided my stash of ancient Basic Grey holiday patterned paper to make THIS CARD. Luckily, I had saved the template and still had some nice big chunks of BG, so I'm back with the same idea... times two! Basic Grey flower layers, Recollections flair, scraps of felt  trimmings, 7 Gypsies velvet holly leaves, and a couple of buttons from my stash complete this pair of mixy-matchy mitten cards."

Stephanie's Other Card

Stephanie says, "As a child, I loved making snowmen.  I think I had just as much fun making this paper version.  I started by die cutting two circles from white glitter paper.  I attached the circles to a card base (overlapping the fold slightly on the left) and then cut around my circles to create my snowman-shaped card base.  Next I hand-cut the hat from black cardstock with a wonderful gold shimmer.  I used the same black paper for the eyes, mouth and buttons.  I hand-cut the carrot nose from a scrap of orange designer paper.  The arms are made from a thin strip of brown woodgrain embossed paper.  I finished with some holly leaves and berry stickers and a fun little ice cold treat.

This challenge runs through Wednesday evening (6pm EST), July 3rd, 2024.


  1. Ik wil jullie allemaal laten weten dat er een geweldige kans is voor individuen of bedrijven om een ​​lening te krijgen van de heer Pedro, een kredietverstrekker die mij een lening van $ 800.000 heeft verstrekt om mijn bedrijfsproject te financieren tegen een jaarlijks rendement van 2%. De heer Pedro is een vriendelijke, zachtaardige man die met investeerders werkt en ze bieden ook een investeringsleningprogramma aan om elk bonafide bedrijf over de hele wereld te financieren.
    Neem contact op met de heer Pedro
    via e-mail:
    Whatsapp-nummer: +393510140339.


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