Thursday, June 20, 2024

Three by Three

There are some truly AMAZING cards in our Jingle Belles' We Three Kings Readers' Gallery, so if you haven't taken time to scroll through, we highly recommend the trip. In the meantime, here are three takes on three (or more!) patterned papers that especially caught our eye:

...combined three patterned papers, one diecut tag, one washi tape and enough glittery glimmery snowflakes to make us forget the current "heat bubble" in the Northeast!

...constructed such a clever, quilt-inspired, scrap-using, pattern-combining masterpiece that we've saved it to our inspiration files as a secret weapon for the next time we do a similar challenge!

...linked up several AMAZING multi-patterned makes, all of which you really need to see, but this fun and fabulous holiday sweater design miiiiiiight be our fave!


Many thanks to everyone who played along, we enjoyed seeing every single card! We'll be back at Midnight with a few ideas for getting IN SHAPE for the holidays... don't worry, there's NO diet or exercise involved!!! :)


  1. Wow!!! I'm so very honored and blessed to have my sled scene Christmas card recognized by Jingles Belles!!! Congrats to the other 2 artisans recognized for their amazing three of a kind designer paper themed Christmas cards!!!

  2. I always enjoy checking out your challenges and what fun I have when I take part. Thank you for all the kind words you used in describing my card for your latest We three kings. That was such a fun challenge to take part in. Keep up being my inspiration and helping me get those Christmas cards done early! Love you gals!


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