it's been another banner week ♥JINGLE BELLES♥ in which you've proven once again that there is *no* curveball we can throw that won't elicit home runs all round! absolute GORGEOUSNESS in the deck the halls gallery... do give yourself the treat of scrolling down!
meanwhile, here are a few cards that particularly took the fancy of our lovely prompt setter, the wonderful sue culotti:

Sue says, "Adorable, whimsical, magical FUN! I especially love the stitched tab and toothpick flag. The colors rock, too..."

Sue says, "I am always in awe of people who can pull off "techniques" with such great results, plus pink and green always makes us happy, right?"
Sue says, "I'm a total sucker for vintage images, and polka dots, and lace trim, and square cards, and clean layouts, and...'nuff said?"
once again we enthusiastically thank all who participated, and bestow an extra-helping of our admiration and gratitude upon miss sue for coming along to hang out this week, it was pure pleasure for us! if you need a little blog-based treat be sure to check out random on purpose, which is also the home of sue's fabulous digi-stamps... just click the random bliss tab!
we've got a new prompt at midnight which involves a lovely guest star, an amazing sponsor, some FABULOUS cards... (if we do say so ourselves, lol!) ...and there miiiiiiiiiiiight just be a prize on offer, but you'll have to come back to find out! ;)
These are all lovely choices, Sue. I certainly enjoyed all of the other entries in the gallery too…you set a great challenge!
Great shout outs. All three are really lovely. This was a great challenge! I'm happy i found the time to play.
I will def be missing for the new challlenge :-( but I'll catch up the following week. This has become such a part of my week I will really miss you all. But have fun and I'll drop by and comment when I'm back in the real world!
These are amazing. I wish I had a chance to do this challenge. Love all the cards.
Thanks Sue for picking out my card. I loved this challenge.
Great choices. Wish I could have found the time to play along.
Oooohh...thank YOU for picking my card Sue! I've been out of the JB loop for a smidge and certainly had a load of fun with your ATC challenge....
A big shout out to the other lovely ladies!!!
Ohmy, I'm tickled pink to have you show my card! I'm so glad I've found your ladies, the inspiration here and what everyone comes up with each week is awesome! Thank you!
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