Saturday, December 4, 2021

It's a Wrap!

Hard to believe we've wrapped up another Jingle Belles season already, it seems like 2021 has just flown past! 

Below is Lauren's traditional beginning of December sprawling card pile photo, featuring all the holiday cards she made this year.  

She's looking forward to writing, addressing, and sending them out into the world; then on January 1, 2022 we'll start the whole thing all over again... and we'd love for you to join us!  ((Stephanie got so excited about having her cards done, she mailed them before she remembered to take her annual photograph).


Just to spur you on if you've not quite finished making holiday cards, here's one last link-up. We'll leave it open until December 24th, so you can show off those last few masterpieces and check out what everyone else is making. Wishing you the happiest of Decembers... see you on January 1, 2022!


Marianne said...

Such a fab pile, Lauren. And well done, Steph, for getting them out already, even if you did forget to snap a picture LOL. Sounds like something I might do. I haven't been able to play along as often as I would have liked, and it shows...
Trying to get a lot of cards done this weekend and hoping to do better next year.
Happy holidays to you and yiurs!
Marianne x

Aimeslee Winans said...

wOW, Lauren! Awesomesauce of CARDS! I'm sure Steph's pile was just as awesome, too. Thanks for the inspiration this year and looking forward to 2022! Merry & Happy to you both! xoxo

Irene said...

I started with good intentions last January! I was successful following all your prompts seven years ago!! Hoping I do better in 2022!,

Barbara Godden said...

Fantastic grouping of holiday cards, I have my picture of my much smaller stash, but mine just hadn't gotten to the mailbox yet.

Helen said...

Wow - what a wonderful collection of cards!
Thanks ladies for another year of fun challenges!
Merry Christmas!
Helen x