Saturday, December 30, 2023

Getting Ready for 2024!

And since we like to see each Jingle Belles year as a fresh new start, here's the new blog banner for the year, as well as a small badge and a nice big square for those of us who like to post on Instagram!

Header and graphics created in PSE9 by Lauren Bergold, featuring images and elements from Katie Pertiet Designs, including Christmas Spectacular Essential Rub-ons; Classic Glam Elements Gold 01; and her Adalicia Paper Pack, which seems to have gone out of print, though if you type "Neutral Paper Pack" into the search box at KPD, you'll get lots of excellent options, including this Vintage Artistry Pack, which is very close indeed! Fonts are Brusher and Bohemian Typewriter, both free from


We'll be back at 12:01am on January 1, 2024 with the first prompt of the year and a couple of cards we hope will inspire you to join the fun. See you then!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Five Faves of 2023

Last year we started a fun new tradition where each of us (Stephanie and Lauren) looked back on all of our Jingle Belles/Christmas cards from the year and picked five favorites. This seems like the perfect time to re-visit 2023, so here's one favorite from each of us; then, if you'd like, click through to our blogs using the links below our photos, to see our complete lists. 

Stay tuned for the new festive header, debuting after Christmas; then at 12:01am on January 1, 2024, we'll kick off our FOURTEENTH year of Jingle Belles and we'd love for you to join us!

One of Stephanie's Favorites

Stephanie says, "The combination of recycled packaging, handmade paper, sentiment stripes, pearl flourishes and glittery poinsettias came together for a wonderful Neutral Noel."

Lauren says, "Prima's Candy Cane Lane line is one of my all-time favorite holiday paper collections, and this card is loaded with various bits of it, though the glittery pink snowflakes and classic Memory Box Jingle Bells (thank you Ms. Lorraine!) cut from velvet paper miiiiight be what takes this one over the top for me. Plus... it's PINK!"


Once again, a reminder that Jingle Belles will return on January 1, 2024 with a new prompt every other week and an inspiring card from both Stephanie and myself every week until the end of November. If you'd like to chip away at your holiday card list in a stress-free way AND meet some awesome new cardmaking friends, why not plan to join us then

Friday, December 1, 2023

Wrapping Up 2023!

Once again we've reached the end of another Jingle Belles season. It feels like 2023 just few by, thanks to all of the fun we had seeing you build your holiday stash.  

We're once again sharing our beginning-of-December big pile-o-cards before we begin writing & addressing, so they can be mailed or hand-delivered to our favorite folks.  

Now it just remains to wish you the happiest of holiday seasons. We'll be back on January 1, 2024 to start our 14th year of taking back December one holiday card at a time ... and we'd love for you to join us for our holiday mayhem once again! 


Here's one last link-up for the year;  you can use it to share your last-minute holiday cards and, if you have a few minutes, cruise through the other cards to be inspired and maybe leave a comment or two. 

Many thanks to everyone who helped to make this year our most fun EVER; we'd hope to see you back again at Jingle Belles in 2024! ♥