Friday, October 16, 2015

♥PINK♥ Christmas for the Cure

PINK CHRISTMAS♥ is always one of our favorite fortnights at Jingle Belles and the 2015 edition is off to a fabulous start! There's still plenty of time to play along (til next Wednesday, October 21st, at 6pm) and remember we (Stephanie and Lauren) are each donating $2 per linked up card to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, so the more you play, the bigger our contribution will be, for which we thank you! ♥

Stephanie says, "I pulled out some vintage Cosmo Cricket Jolly Days paper in retro colors and design.  I love these fun little Christmas Critters all backed in pink."

Lauren says, "I was in the mood to play around with watercolor paints and glitter embossing paste, so that's what I did, lol! I traced the bauble shapes in pencil on watercolor paper, then filled in with washes of color. After the panel dried, I added a few shades of glitter embossing paste through a stencil to give each ornament a bit of sparkle... but not too perfectly, because I wanted them to look like the beautifully worn and tarnished ornaments my own vintage bauble collection. I found this fantastic sketch at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge, and it really inspired me."


  1. Love your cards! Wish I could play along but I'm far from my scrap room this week! I love pink for Christmas. Really for anything. And a great cause....awesome!


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