37 cards for the very first prompt??!?!?!
holy moly! we never saw
that coming, but
could not be more thrilled! thank you very much indeed to every one who played, or commented, or became a follower, or just stopped by and had a look. we're excited to see so many old friends AND to make so many new ones! as an added bonus it's unbelievably cool to see how many of you are going around to visit each other's blogs and leave comments!
plus...have you SEEN the cards in question?! truly amazing, unique, beautiful and creative works of art. and we mean
EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. in fact, if you only have five minutes to spend here,
stop reading this right now and scroll down to the thumbnails in the last post because
THAT is the show. up here is just talk! :)
ok except for a couple of faves to which we cannot resist sending an extra-special shout out:
used found items (doily, cupcake wrapper, vintage style stamps) in a particularly brilliant way!

not only stuns with her stamping, but used a SERIOUSLY creative fold!
(who's 4!) made this beautiful snowman tag...and is sporting the look of pure joy we hope ALL jingle belles feel about their creations!!!
remember, this whole "make our cards early" lark is NOT an obligation, and it's definitely not all-or-nothing! if you didn't get a chance to make a card this week, it's no big deal. seriously. come and make one next week! or heck, do the first prompt NOW! (the inlinkz is closed, but if you leave a link in the comments, we WILL come & see it, honest!!!) however many (or few!) cards we each make during the year lessens the load in december, and puts us that much more ahead of the game; truly, there is NO WRONG WAY to do this!!!!!
finally, we need to break out the largest font and some festive colors to express the appropriate amount of happiness in the following statement:
thank you, fellow jingle belles!
for making this the BEST WEEK EVER... until next week, that is!!! ;)
(the CARD TWO prompt goes up at midnight... hosted by miss stephanie...and it's a goodie... just sayin'...)