Friday, November 4, 2022

Funny Ho! Ho!

This fortnight at Jingle Belles we're asking you to create humorous holiday cards. They can be funny, punny or snarky, but make sure they're something that will induce a smile or a belly laugh.

Here's how we were funny this week:

Stephanie says, "When I think of funny holiday cards, I usually grab my Taylored Expressions Grumplings.  This week's card features an Elf Grumpling who has gone on strike."

Lauren says, "In the process of making my card, I discovered that I have hardly any humorous holiday sentiment stamps. Luckily, I have a computer and plenty of cute fonts, so I was able to re-create a something I saw on a novelty t-shirt in a catalog. The lady is an older Authentique journal card, the typeface is called Mom's Typewriter and was free from; the papers are from the scrap bag. This is one of those cases where thinking up what to do took muuuuuuuuuuuch longer than actually doing it. Am I the only one to whom that happens??!"


Link your Funny, Ho! Ho! card(s) right here, 
by 6pm (Eastern) on Wednesday, November 16th
Keyword for galleries and Flickr is JB-22-23.


Becca Yahrling said...

These are awesome, ladies!! And yes, I giggled at both. So fun!

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely cards.
Lauren I agree, I often take longer thinking what to do and looking for products than actually making the card.