Friday, October 20, 2023

Not a Creature was Stirring

This fortnight at Jingle Belles is a holiday Creature Feature.

We're asking you to break out your animals ... it could be a sweet little sheep or perhaps a reindeer ... okay, or even a monster, gnome or yeti if you're in a bit of a Halloween mood and want to stretch the theme.

Here's how we got CREATURE-y this week.

Stephanie says, "My creatures are the Christmas Cheer Gnomes from Rubbernecker Stamps.  With that mug of coffee, I'm also linking-up at the Gnomes & Coffee Challenge at Caffeinated Christmas."

Lauren says, "Here's a funny story: the other week online, I saw what I consider Lawn Fawn's best punny sentiment ever, "Joyeux Narwhal", in their Simply Celebrate Winter Critter Add-On Greeting stamp set. I excitedly made my own version using the Winter Narwhal stamp set and some pink puffy letter stickers, and I was absurdly proud of the result. Then, as I was photographing and uploading (at the last minute, of course) I suddenly realized... I've spelled both words wrong! Ugh. Obviously I'll be doing a bit of remedial sticker-spelling, but I figured I'd post the card anyway and let you share my rueful laughter."


Link your own Creature-centric card right here by 6pm (Eastern) on Wednesday, November first. Keyword for galleries and Flickr is JB2322.


Marianne said...

Such fun cards. I was wondering if I was missing the pun in 'Joyeaux' until I read Lauren's explanation lol. Also love that you are still in a pink mood.
Marianne x

Darnell said...

Great cards, gals! Hugs, Darnell

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Great work by the design team.