There were so many glorious floral creations this fortnight--as usual, you guys make it really hard to choose only a few to feature. Which, coincidentally, is our favorite "problem" lol! :) So here are three cards from the many MANY that made our flower-loving hearts beat a little faster:
...brilliantly used a sketch, an inspiration challenge and our floral theme to show off her exemplary stamping and coloring skills!
... combined floral paper, a gorgeous hand-made blossom, and the clever use of decorative scissors to make a Christmas stocking everyone --including Santa-- is sure to love!

...proves that you don't necessarily need *COLOR* to go floral with her amazing white-on-white CAS masterpiece!
Many thanks to everyone who linked up, we always love to see what you are creating! We'll be back at midnight with a brand new prompt we hope won't require a photo-finish! ♥
Fantastic choices; elegant, creative, and stunning!
Thanks for showcasing my card for your flower challenge! I had fun playing!
Hugs, Kim
Thanks for picking my card. I'm so excited. Great work everybody. Gorjuss projects. Hugs, Keti
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